Q.What are the phases of Watershed Management Programme? (Agriculture MCQ)
[1] Recognition Phase
[2] Restoration Phase
[3] Protection Phase
[4] Improvement Phase
[5] All of above
[Answer] [5] All of above
[Answer Explanation]
• Recognition Phase –
It involves following steps –
1. Recognition of the problem
2. Analysis of the problem and its effect
3. Development of Alternative Solutions of problem
• Restoration Phase-
1. Selection of best solution to problems identified
2. Application of the solution to the problems of the land
• Protection Phase –
This phase takes care of the General Health of the watershed and ensures normal functioning.
• Improvement Phase –
1. This phase deals with overall improvement in the watershed and all land is covered.
Q) The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was founded in which year?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] 1873
[2] 1992
[3] 1865
[4] 1870
[5] 1912
[Answer] [1] 1873
[Answer Explanation]
• The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is an intergovernmental organization with a
membership of 191 members states and territories
• It is originated from the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), which was founded in 1873.
• The Secretariat, headquartered in Geneva, is headed by the Secretary General. Its Supreme
Body is the World Meteorological Congress.
Q)The value of Thermal Death Point (in degree celcius) ranges from ?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] 40-50
[2] 50-60
[3] 45-55
[4] 55-65
[5] None of the above
[Answer] 50-60
Thermal Death Point: ‘Thermal death point” – the temperature at which the plant cell gets killed when the temperature ranges from 50-60°C. This varies with plant species. The aquatic and shade loving plants are killed at comparatively lower temperature (40°C).
Q)Which of the following is incorrect with respect to Infiltration?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] Infiltration rates on grassland is substantially higher than bare uncultivated land.
[2] Cultivation influences the infiltration rate by increasing the porosity of the surface soil and breaking up the surface seals
[3] Additions of organic matter increase infiltration rate substantially.
[4] Infiltration rates are generally lower in soils of heavy texture than on soils of light texture
[5] All are correct
[Answer] All are correct
All statement are correct and must be kept in mind
Q)Length of growing period (LGP) for arid eco system is?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] Less than 90 days
[2] Less than 100 days
[3] Less than 85 days
[4] less than 120 days
[5] None of the above
[Answer] Less than 90 days
Less than 90 days-Western Himalayas, Deccan plateau. The major advantage of LGP based criteria is that the LGP is the direct indicative of moisture availability of a given landform
rather than the total rainfall.
Q)Injury caused by lifting up of the plants along with soil from its normal position is referred to as?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] Girdling
[2] Heaving
[3] Topple
[4] Freezing
[5] Fall down
[Answer] [2] Heaving
This is a kind of injury caused by lifting up of the plants along with soil from its normal position. This type of injury is commonly seen in temperate regions. The presence of ice
crystals increases the volume of soil. This causes mechanical lifting of the soil.
Q)RH-Relative Humidity suitable for most of the crops is (in percentage)?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] 40-60
[2] 30-45
[3] 25-45
[4] 30-50
[5] None of the above
[Answer] 40-60
Relative humidity is ratio between the amount of moisture presenting the air to the saturation capacity of the air at a particular temperature. Relative humidity of 40-60% is suitable for most of the crop plants.
Q)If water molecules are held with a force of 10 atmospheric pressure in soil then this water will be termed as?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] Hygrscopic water
[2] Capillary water
[3] Gravitational water
[4] Soil water
[5] None of the above
[Answer] Capillary water
Capillary water. Water held by forces of surface tension and continuous films around soil particles and in the capillary spaces. Range 31 atm to 1/3 atm.
Q)The red, yellow or brown colours in soils are due to the presence of which of the following that occur as coatings on the surface of soil particles?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] Goethite
[2] Haematite
[3] Siderite
[4] Flourite
[5] Both 1 & 2
[Answer] Both 1 & 2
• Hematite (Fe2O3)
• Limonite (Fe2O3, 3H2O)
• Goethite (FeO (OH) H2O)
• Gibbsite (Al2O3H2O)
The red, yellow or brown colours in soils are due to the presence of goethite and hematite,
which occur as coatings on the surface of soil particles.
Q)Father of Systematic Pomology?(Agriculture MCQ)
[1] M.S. Swaminathan
[2] Williams
[3] De Candolle
[4] B.P. Pal
[5] None of these
[Answer] [3] De Candolle
Pomology is further sub-divided in the following classes:
1. Practical Pomology: Practical pomology is referred to as fruit production. Modern scientist refer to pomology as the actual growing of fruit.
2. Commercial Pomology: It deals primarily with the marketing and disposition of fruits. It also deals with fruit storage, preparation and market and many other areas, transportation and outlets etc.
3.Systematic Pomology: It can be defined as the knowledge of plants as they grow, their distintions and their habit in growth.Father of systemic pomology is De Candolle.
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