Q) The most common cause of hollow stems with darkish interiors in cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli is? (Agriculture MCQ)
[1] Deficiency in calcium
[2] Extremely cold temperatures
[3] Deficiency in boron
[4] Deficiency in Magnesium
[5] Deficiency in zinc
[Answer] : [3] Boron deficiency
Hollow stems caused by boron shortage can be treated by applying modest levels of boron to the soil (ideally) or to the leaves (foliarly). Boron deficiency is more frequent in sandy soils, and it may be discovered with a soil test. It’s important not to use too much boron since it might produce toxicity, which can result in leaf cupping and burning. The hollow stem of cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli is a characteristic that can arise during fast growth.
Q) Which season is the most probable for an aquaculturist to aerate (supply oxygen to) a pond?
[1] Summer
[2] Fall
[3] Spring
[4] Winter
[5] Autumn
[Answer]: [3] Spring
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
Managing Florida Ponds for Fishing recommends it. “Do not feed them if the water temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. At these periods, fish do not aggressively eat.” Use the eating habits of fish as a reference. Uneaten food will just contribute to the pond’s organic debris. The breakdown of this extra organic waste by bacteria raises oxygen demand, increasing the likelihood of low oxygen levels and fish death.
Q) Parallel sheets of silicate tetrahedral with Si2O5 or a 2:5 ratio generate which of the following silicate minerals?
[1] Ortho silicate
[2] Neo Silicate
[3] Phyllosilicate
[4] Sheet silicate
[5] Both 3 & 4
[Answer]: [5] Both 3 & 4
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
Sheet Silicate minerals, such as phyllosilicates, are made up of parallel sheets of silicate tetrahedral with a Si2O5 or 2:5 ratio. Micas, chlorite, serpentine, talc, and clay minerals are all members of the phyllosilicates, or sheet silicates, category of minerals.
Q) After a period of time has passed since the commencement of irrigation, what is the nearly constant rate of infiltration that develops?
[1] Infiltration rate
[2] Infiltration velocity
[3] Basic Infiltration rate
[4] Constant infiltration velocity
[5] None of the above
[Answer]: [3] Basic Infiltration rate
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
During irrigation, the rate of infiltration drops. The rate of reduction is fast at first, but the infiltration rate eventually settles into a steady state. The fundamental infiltration rate is the virtually constant rate that emerges after some time has passed since irrigation began.
Agriculture MCQ
Q) A disc plough’s disc angle varies from?
[1] 40-45 degree
[2] 30-35 degree
[3] 20-25 degree
[4] 45-50 degree
[5] None of the above
[Answer]: [1] 40-45 degree
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
To achieve the necessary cut width, the disc angle is set between 40 and 45 degrees.
Q) Birds’ loose droppings that cling to the feathers near the vent region are called?
[1] Pasty butt
[2] Pasting
[3] Paste up
[4] Pasted vent
[5] All of the above
[Answer]: [5] All of the above
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
Pasting/Pasty Butt – loose droppings that cling to the vent feathers. This must be removed or the chick or chicken will perish. Cleaning will be simpler if you take a warm bath. To avoid a similar incident in hens with a lot of feathering in this area, such as Orpingtons, the feathers can be trimmed. In shipping chicks, this is a frequent condition. In the case of shipping chicks, the major cause is stress. Plain yoghurt with live bacteria can assist, or pure apple cider vinegar (one tablespoon per gallon of water) can be added to their water. The disorder is also called as “pasty butt,” “pasted vent,” or “pasting up,” and it is most frequent in young chickens. The ailment, also called as “pasty butt,” “pasted vent,” or “pasting up,” is more frequent in newborn chicks than in adults, however adults can be afflicted.
Q) To prevent the depletion of DO (dissolved oxygen) in aquaculture, which of the following practises must be avoided?
[1] Over-aerating, over-warming, over-harvesting
[2] Over-seining, over-planting, over-medicating
[3] Over-feeding, over-stocking, over-fertilizing
[4] None of these
[5] All of the above
[Answer]: [3] Over-feeding, over-stocking, over-fertilizing
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
Over-fertilizing generates organic pollution, over-stocking causes competition for DO and nutrients, and over-feeding promotes pollution and bacterial development; thus, in aquaculture, these three behaviours must be avoided.
Q) Why must one control green plant growth in aquaculture or fish farming?
[1] Plants compete with fish for available DO
[2] Plants compete with fish for available O2
[3] Plants compete with fish for available CO2
[4] All of these
[5] None of the above
[Answer]: [1] Plants compete with fish for available DO
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
The amount of gaseous oxygen dissolved in water is referred to as dissolved oxygen. Direct absorption from the atmosphere, fast movement, or as a waste product of plant photosynthesis are all ways oxygen enters the water. Dissolved oxygen levels are affected by water temperature and the amount of flowing water. Control plant development, keeping in mind that in the absence of sunshine, aquatic green plants compete for available DO with crop species (dissolved oxygen).
Q) According to the UNDP, what is the threshold for water scarcity in cubic metres per capita per year?
[1] 500
[2] 1000
[3] 1500
[4] 1200
[5] None of the above
[Answer]: [2] 1000
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
The availability of water at roughly 1000 cubic meters per capita per year is a conventional criterion for water shortage (UNDP).
Q) What is the name of the forestry practice of cultivating blooming trees and shrubs primarily for the purpose of serving as recreation forests for the urban and rural population?
[1] Recreation forestry
[2] Extension forestry
[3] Farm forestry
[4] Mixed forestry
[5] All of these
[Answer]: [1] Recreation Forestry
[Explanation of Agriculture MCQ]
Farm Forestry: Farm forestry refers to programmes that encourage farmers to plant commercial trees on their own property. NCA (1976) defined farm forestry as the practice of forestry in all of its forms in and around farms or village lands that is integrated with other agricultural enterprises.
Extension Forestry: It is the practice of forestry in regions with little or no tree growth and other vegetation, located outside of traditional forest areas, with the goal of expanding the area under tree growth.
Leisure Forestry is the profession of forestry with the primary goal of growing flowering trees and shrubs for use as recreation forests by both urban and rural populations. Aesthetic forestry, which is defined as the practice of forestry with the goal of producing or preserving a forest of great aesthetic value, is another name for this form of forestry.
Agriculture MCQ with Explaination Important For Competitive Exams Part-2
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