Agriculture One Liner
#Total number of KVK operating in the country till Dec 2011 – 600
#Antuadya Yojana was started in 2 oct 1977
#Sampoorna Grammeen Rojgar Yojna was started in the year of 2001
#FCI was started in 1970 FISCAL commission was appointed in 1949
# Acidity % in milk is 0.12-0.14%.
(Agriculture One Liner)
# Gestation period of cow is 281 days.
# Gestation period of Buffalo is 310 days.
# Sugar content in milk is is Lactose.
# Glucose + glucose is Maltose.
# Glucose + Fructose is Sucrose.
(Agriculture One Liner)
# Daily salt requirement of cow is 50 gram.
# Which breed of Goat known as queen of milk is Saanen.
# Best dual purpose breed of cow is Harianvi.
# Merino Sheep native from is Spain.
# Holstein friesian native from is Holland.
(Agriculture One Liner)
# Dry matter in Barseem is 25-30%.
# Best crop for making silage is Maize -Jowar.
# Best crop for making hay is Barseem.
# Sowing time of Barseem is Sep.-Oct.
#Multiple Cropping Programming was Started in 1966
(Agriculture One Liner)
#First irrigation commission was appointed in 1901
#first deptt. of agriculture was established in 1881
#the extension work must be based on the – Need and interest of people
# State having minimum BPL population is Punjab.
# Maximum number of BPL people are in is Bihar.
(Agriculture One Liner)
# Bio fertilizer more suited for sugarcane is Azatobacter.
# Depth of sowing of soybean seed is 3 cm.
# First variety of rice introduced in India is is TN-I (1964-65).
# Indian mustard is known as Brassica juncea.
# Explosive fertilizer is Ammonium nitrate.
(Agriculture One Liner)
# Most prominent soil group of India is Alluvial soil.
# In SSP sulphur contains is 12 %.
# Which micro nutrient deficient in Indian soils is Zn.
# Which macro nutrient mostly deficient in Indian soils is Nitrogen.
#Father of Extension- J paul Leagons
(Agriculture One Liner)
#father of Sociology- August Commte
#National agricultural innovation project was stared in – 2005
# The direction from which the winds are corning called as is Wind ward side.
# Agronomic measures are used to reduce erosion where slope is Less than 2%.
# Bench terracing is usually a practiced on slopes ranging from is 16-33 %.
(Agriculture One Liner)
# The highest award presented to an agricultural scientist in the Country is Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award.
# Over the years the contribution of agriculture to GDP of Indian economy has been is Decreasing,
# In which five year plan ‘Agro climatic regional planning in India was initiating is 7th five year plan (1988).
# Nitrogen fixation in rice field is carried out by blue green algae with is fern Azolla.
# The pattern of planting which has maximum plant population is Cubodial pattern.
(Agriculture One Liner)
# Cultivations of such crops which lime different natural habit and competition is as Parallel cropping.
# The variety of which is resistant to all the three rusts is Choti lerma.
# Only One time a ratoon crop of sugarcane is advisable.
# Cultivation of two or more than crops of different heights simultaneously on a certain piece of land in a certain period is called is Multistoried cropping.
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