Different Types of fruit zone in detail

Tropical fruit zone

  • This class includes fruit crops which are ever green unable to endure cool temperature but can tolerate warm temperature of about 1000 F.
  • The fruit plants of this zone need strong sunshine warm and humid climate and a very mild winter.
  • They cannot stand against frost.
  • Area under this zone include West Bengal, Parts of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan Orissa, Maharastra, AP, Karnataka, TN and Kerala.
Fruits crops: Banana, Pineapple, Sapota, Papaya, Cashew, Pomegranate.
Sub- tropical fruit Zone

  • This class includes fruit crops intermediate characters to tropical and temperatures.
  • The summer is hot and dry and winter is less mild.
  • They may be either deciduous or ever green & are usually able to withstand a low temperature but not the frost.
  • Some require chilling for flower bud differentiation the fruits grow mostly in plains, the fruits includes, Citrus, Grapes, Phalsa, fig, guava, pomegranate, Banana etc.
  • This fruit zone covers the plains of Punjab, UP, Parts of Bihar, MP, WB, Maharastra, Rajasthan, Karnataka, AP, TN, Kerala, Orissa.. etc.

Temperate fruit zone

  • This class of fruits grow successfully in cold regions where temperature falls below freezing point during winter.
  • During the cold season, the trees shed their leaves and go into rest period.
  • For breaking the rest/dormant period, a definite chilling period is required.
  • This chilling temperature helps the plants to put forth new growth, flowering and fruiting with the onset of spring season.
  • The regions under this zone are J&K, Kuluvally, HP, Parts, Peaches, Plum, Cherries, Almond, Walnut, Strawberry, Apricot, persimmon, Pecan nut, Kiwi fruit etc.

Arid Zone

  • The arid zone has an extreme climatic conditions, high temperature low humidity, rainfall is very low and its distribution is erratic, poor textured soil.
  • The area of Rajasthan (62%) and Gujarat (20%) parts of the Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka & Maharashtra the crops are Phalsa, Date palm, Pomegranate, Ber, Custard apple, Tamarind etc.

Semi- arid zone

  • This region exhibits low and erratic rainfall, low humidity and high temperature fruits of arid region can be cultivated in this zone also Mango, Sapota, Guava, Jack, Avocado, Ber, Pomegranate and Tamarind etc..

North- Eastern sub-Tropical zone

  • All tropical and sub-tropical fruits are grown in this region.
  • The parts are Bihar, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Parts of WB, UP etc.

North- Western region

  • It is again classified in to 4 temperate- low winter temperature, dry temperature, highly cold condition, Sub-temperate, winter temperature & lesser cold, Low hill valley, low winter temperature & lesser cold. Parts of J&K, HP, hills of UP, South of Punjab, Haryana.

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