History of Agriculture in One line form for Competitive exam

History of Agriculture

Agriculture History

1788: First attempt at cotton crop improvement in Bombay province

1827 :First agricultural society at Calcutta

1864 :First model agricultural farm at Saidapet, Tamil Nadu

1871: Department of Agriculture created

1878 :Higher Education in Agriculture at Coimbatore

1880 :First Report of Famine Commission (Famine during 1876-77)

1889: Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory, now Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Pune

1893: Second report of Famine Commission

1901 :Third report of Famine Commission

1901: First Irrigation Commission

1902 : Introduction of large scale cultivation of groundnut

1904 :Introduction of Cambodia cotton

1905: Imperial Agricultural Research Institute at Pusa in Bihar

1912: Imperial Sugarcane Breeding Station at Coimbatore

1926: Royal Commission on Agriculture

1929 :Imperial (Indian) Council of Agricultural Research at Delhi

1936 :IARI shifted to Delhi

1942 :Grow More Food Campaign

1946 :Central Rice Research Institute

1947 :Fertilisers and Chemicals, Travancore

1956 :Project for Intensification of Regional Research on Cotton, Oilseeds and Millets (PIRRCOM)

1957 :The concept of the All-India Co-ordinated Research Project (AICRP) introduced, and the first AICRP on maize started by Dr. B.P. Paul

1958: Status of Deemed University accorded to IARI

1959 :CAZRI, Jodhpur

1960 :The first State Agricultural University (SAU) at the Pantnagar established on the pattern of the Land Grant Colleges of the USA

1960 :Intensive Agriculture District Programme (IADP)

1960 :IRRI, Philippines

1962 :IGFRI, Jhasi

1963 :National Seed Corporation

1963: CTCRI, Trivandrum (Tuber crops)

1964 :The ICAR became the apex organization for all the agricultural research and education in the country, with the functions of financing and guiding research and its co-ordination

1965: Intensive Agriculture Area Programme (IIAP)

1965: National Demonstration Programme

1965 :All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project, Hyderabad

1966 :Various agricultural research institutes under the Ministry of Agriculture, placed under the purview of the ICAR

1966: Placement of different agricultural research institutes under the purview of ICAR

1966 :HYV Programme

1966 :Multiple Cropping Schemes

1969 :CSSRI (Central Soil Salinity Research Institute) at Karnal (Haryana)

1970 :Drought Prone Area Programme

1970 :Release of first cotton hybrid in India

1970 :CPCRI at Kasargod (Kerala) (Plantation crops)

1971 :All India Coordinated Project for Dryland Agriculture


1973 :Minikit Trails Programme

1973 :Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) created in the Ministry of Agriculture Director-General, ICAR, given the status of Secretary, DARE, and Chairman of the Governing Body of the ICAR

1974 :Established first Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) at Pondicherry

1974 :Command Area Development

1975 :An All-India Agricultural Research Service (ARS) established. Also, Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board (ASRB) established to recruit scientists for the ICAR institutions

1976 :Report of the National Commission on Agriculture published National Seed Project (NSP) launched for production of breeder’s seed, with financial assistance from the World Bank Seven Trainers’ Training Centres (TTCs) established

1976 :Report of National Commission on Agriculture

1976 :Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)

1977 : Training and Visit (T&V) System

1979 : The Lab-to-Land Programme and the National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) launched

1982 : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

1986 : Establishment of Technology mission on oilseeds

1984: A separate Division of the Agricultural Extension, headed by the Deputy Director-General (DDG), created in the ICAR

1985 : NAEP (National Agricultural Extension Project)

1987 : Separate Divisions for Horticulture and Fisheries, headed by DDGs, carved out of the Crop Science and Animal Science Divisions, respectively

1988 :GVK Rao Committee, constituted to review infrastructure, personnel policies and functional role of the ICAR, submitted its report. Also the Agricultural Engineering Division, headed by a DDG, carved out from the Natural Resource Management Division Created senior-level research management positions at the ICAR headquarters in the post-harvest management, home science, policy and perspective planning, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues and Agricultural Research Information System

1989 :The ICAR was bestowed with the King Baudouin Award for its valuable contribution in ushering in the Green Revolution

1993 :Release of First rice hybrid in India

1995: Institution-Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) launched for technology assessment, refinement and transfer with farmers’ participation. Also launched an Agricultural Human Resource Development (AHRD) Project with financial assistance from the World Bank

1996 :National Gene Bank, with a holding capacity of more than 1 million seed-samples at – 20°C and 25,000 samples at -150°C to – 196°C in liquid-nitrogen, established for ex-situ conservation of agro-biodiversity Establishment of National Gene Bank at New Delhi

1998: Launched National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), funded by the World Bank, to  improve efficiency of the organization and management systems of the ICAR, to enhance the performance and effectiveness of the priority research programmes and also of the scientists; and to develop models that will improve effectiveness and financial sustainability of the technology dissemination system 3.2 Institutional Growth.

2004: Again awarded King Baudouin Award for research and development efforts made under partnership in Rice Wheat Consortium.

2005: National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP)

2006 :NAIP (National Agricultural Innovation Project)

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