✔️Which crop requirement highest amount of potash
✅ maize
✔️Semi intensive area of fish production
✅ 1-1.5 hec
✔️which nutrient help in plant growth , active enzyme , catalyst chlorophyll
✅Iron .
✔️which nutrient effect on plant being colorless lent of unfold leaf at top leaving gelatinous material ?
✔️which crop largest production in 2015-16?
✅Sugarcane (352.16mT )
✔️Which crop having largest area in 2015-16
✔️murrah age at first calving ?
✅ 36-40month (in good management ) and 45-50 month in village
✔️Space requirement of pregnant cows ?
✅ 4 m2
✔️minimum forest requirement area according to annual report 1973
✅ 33 %
✔️most common method of fodder for fodder tree use in India
✅ lopping
✔️which of following not quality of 4 stroke engine
✅engine weight per HP is high (wrong)
✔️Power tiller first introduce in India
✔️Space requirement of broiler ?
✅ 1sq2
✔️papaya come in India which centaury ?
✅ 18th
✔️which is temperate crop ?
✔️In which of following have highest amount of SNF ?(Agrilearner)
✅ sheep (11.39)
✔️ prawn fish rearing period ?
✅ 6-8 month
✔️lime requirement of pond at pH 5.5-6.5 ?
✔️capacity of high volume sprayer ?
✅ More then 400
✔️How many HP of electric pump required for power sprayer
✅ 3 hp
✔️karan fries develop by which institute
✔️ISAM launched in year
✅ 01.04.2014
✔️which tillage method means working of the soil of entire field in a way that no living plant is left undisturbed ?
✅Clean tillage
✔️which of following micro nutrient ?
✔️premium of kharif under PMFBY ?
✅ 2%
✔️ premium for horticultural crop under PMFBY ?
✅ 5%
✔️ ECE of saline soil ?
✅ > 4
✔️pH of alkaline soil
✅ >8.5
✔️ESP of saline
✅ < 15
✔️ drip irrigation efficiency ?
✅ 95%
✔️In banana which nutrient use largest amount as fertigation ? agrilearner
✅ Potash
✔️highly salt tolerate crop
✅ cotton
✔️most salt degraded state in India according 2010 ICAR report
✅ Gujrat
✔️most common use tree in plywood
✅ Teak
✔️The animal – coming in heat mark proestrum in ostrus cycle period of proestrum in cycle ?
✅ 2 day
✔️Calcium content highest in which of livestock manure
✅polutry(17-69 )
✔️Totapuri variety of mango found in which state ?
✅ Karnataka