National Agriculture Market (NAM)

National Agriculture Market (NAM)

National Agriculture Market (NAM)

 On April 14 2016, Prime Minister launched National Agriculture Market (NAM) as a panIndia electronic trading portal for farm produce which creates a unified national market for agricultural commodities by integrating the existing Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) markets.

 Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare is the nodal ministry for this scheme.

 This portal provides a single window service for all APMC related services and information, such as commodity arrivals and prices, provision for responding to the trade offers, buy and sell trade offers, among other services.

(National Agriculture Market)

 Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is the lead promoter of NAM.

 SFAC is a registered society of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW) under Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare.

 SFAC through open tender selects a Strategic Partner (SP) to develop, operate and maintain the NAM e-platform.

 SFAC implements NAM with the technical support of SP and budgetary grant support from DAC&FW.

 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs had approved a Central Sector Scheme for Promotion of National National Agricultural Market through Agri-Tech Infrastructure Fund (ATIF).

(National Agriculture Market)

 The government has allocated Rs. 200 crore to the newly created ATIF.

 With this fund SFAC will implement NAM for three years from 2015-16 to 2017-18.

 In the budget 2017-18, the government has announced mission to link 585 Mandis to the portal by March, 2018. As of now, around 250 markets have been covered.

 In the new budget, an assistance of up to Rs 75 lakh has been announced for every eNAM for the development of cleaning, grading and packaging of the farmers’ products. Rashtriya electronic Market Scheme (ReMS) (The Karnataka model) is a first such initiative in the country which is a joint initiative of the government of Karnataka and NCDEX e-Markets. It was launched in February 2014 and this has at present linked 130 markets in 3 states.

(National Agriculture Market)

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