National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology

National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NIMAET) was launched by UPA government in 2014 with an objective to spread farm extension services and mechanization. The NDA Government has included lots of other activities for Agricultural Extension and Technology under this programme.

Aims and objectives

The objective of the Scheme is to make the extension system farmer-driven and farmer-accountable by way of new institutional arrangements for technology dissemination. It aims to restructure and strengthen agricultural extension to enable delivery of appropriate technology and improved agronomic practices to farmers.

This is envisaged to be achieved by a judicious mix of extensive physical outreach and interactive methods of information dissemination, use of ICT, popularisation of modern and appropriate technologies, capacity building and institution strengthening to promote mechanisation, availability of quality seeds, plant protection etc. and encourage aggregation of Farmers into Interest Groups (FIGs) to form Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs).

Sub Missions of NMAET

NMAET consists of 4 Sub Missions

  1. Sub Mission on Agricultural Extension (SMAE)
  2. Sub-Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP)
  3. Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM)
  4. Sub Mission on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine (SMPP)

The common threads running across all 4 Sub-Missions in NMAET are Extension and Technology. Therefore, while 4 separate Sub-Missions are being proposed for administrative convenience, these are inextricably linked to each other at the field level and most components thereof have to be disseminated among farmers and other stakeholders through a strong extension network.


The Mission will have a total outlay of Rs. 2877.40 crore in Budget 2020-21.

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