Q.1. Commelina benghalensis bearing shortlived blue coloured flowers is a
a). Monocot
b). Dicot
c). Spermatophyte
d). Pteridophyta
Q.2. The most systematic method for classifying weeds is based on
a). Morphology
b). Life history
c). Habitat
d). Phylogenetic
Q.3. Simple perennials are reproduced by
a). Rhizomes
b). Tubers
c). Corms
d). Seeds
Q.4. The first prominent instance of biochemical mimicry based crop associated weed under Indian perspective is
a). Saccharum spontaneous in sugarcane
b). Phalaris minor in wheat
c). Wild rice (Oryza longistaninata) in rice
d). Itch grass (Rottboellea cochinchinensis) in upland rice
Q.5. A weed with a trailing stem
a).Convolvulus arvensis
b). Digitaria sanguinalis
c). Cuscuta sp
d). Cynodon sp
Q.6. A weed with a balloon structure for effective dissemination
a). Physalis minima
b). Avena fatua
c). Phalaris minor
d). Amaranthus viridis
Q.7. A weed having spines as adaptations that repel grazing
a). Solanum nigrum
b). Solanum xanthocarpus
c). Parthenium
d). Ageratum
Q.8. Which of the following causes itching and inflammation
a). Ammannia baccifera
b). Solanum nigrum
c). Urtica sp
d). Lantana camara
Q.9. Cultivation of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa) is abandoned in India due to
a). Lantana camara
b). Eichhornia
c). Mikania micrantha
d). Acacia mearnssi
Q.10. Eichhornia crassips is a representative of
a). Free floating
b). Rooted floating
c). Rooted submerged
d). Emergent
Q.11. The partial root parasite
a). Cuscuta
b). Loranthus
c). Striga
d). Orobanche
Q.12. A weed with a funnel shaped corolla
a). Medicago denticulata
b). Vicia sativa
c). Convolvulus arvensis
d). Scirpus sp
Q.13. A sedge with rhizomes
a). Commelina obliqua
b). Cyperus rotundus
c). Scirpus sp
d). Eleocharis
Q.14. A lowland rice sedge
a). Cyperus iria
b). Cyperus difformis
c). Cyperus esculentus
d). All
Q.15. The ‘condition influences’ directly plant ability in exploring resources
a). Soil density
b). Soil CO2
c). Soil N
d). Soil water
Q.16. Hans Molish is associated with
a). Competition
b). Eutrophication
c). Allelomediation
d). Allelopathy
Q.17. The natural product explored as commercial herbicide
a). glufosinate
b). dicamba
c). cinmethylin
d). all
Q.18. Man associated with ‘Horse Hoeing Husbandry’
a). Zimdahl Robert L.
b). Molish
c). Jethro Tull
d). Aspinall and Milthorpe
Q.19. Dryland weeds usually have
a). deep root
b). hairyness
c). Mucilaginous stem
d). all
Q.20. A weed poisonous to animals and human beings
a). Datura metal
b). Ammannia baccifera
c). Chenopodium
d). Urtica sp
Q.21. Successful weed management is based on
a). Knowledge on weed biology
b). Survey on the nature of weed problem
c). Whole farm planning
d). Removal of weeds before flowering
i. a & b
ii. b & d
iii. c & d
iv. All
Q.22. A system approach based on whole land use planning
a). Weed eradication
b). Weed control
c). Weed prevention
d). None
Q.23. Weed control aims to putting down weed infestation
a). Already present
b). a + future infestations
c). b + introduction from the adjacent fields
d). Combining the available techniques in the optimum level
Q.24. Eradication is possible in following weed situations
a). Ageratum conyzoides
b). Phalaris minor
c). Parthenium hysterophorus
d). Lantana
Q.25. Besides providing N Azolla is used for weed control in
a). Wheat
b). Rice
c). Castor
d). Linseed
Q.26. Azolla pinnata is
a). a fern
b). an algae
c). a gymnosperm
d). an angiosperm
Q.27.Spudding involving hand weeding/ hoeing added by a sharp edged sickle is most common in
a). Wheat
b). Sugarcane
c). Sesame
d). Rice
Q.28. Dredging is most effective treatment for controlling
a). Parasitic weeds
b). Lantana
c). Agrestals
d). Aquatic weeds
Q.29. Flooding is an effective strategy to control
a). Avena ludoviciana
b). Sorghum halepense
c). Cynodon dactylon
d). All
e). None
Q.30. Bioagent for controlling Parthenium hysterophorus
a). Bactra verutana
b). Zygogramma bicolorata
c). Chrysolira
d). Flea beetle